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Only physicians who have been trained on the Sonata System and who meet the annual minimum procedure volume with the Sonata® System are eligible to be included on the Physician Locator. Physicians listed on the Physician Locator have elected to be included. Names and details are provided solely by the physicians and are provided for your information only. Learn more ...
Physician Locator
Physicians who provide treatment with the Sonata® System can be found using the Physician Locator. In an effort to ensure that physicians listed on the Physician Locator actively use the Sonata® System in their practice, Gynesonics has established a minimum number of cases a physician must perform each year with the Sonata System. Only physicians who have been trained on the Sonata System and who meet the annual minimum procedure volume with the Sonata® System are eligible to be included on the Physician Locator. Physicians listed on the Physician Locator have elected to be included. Physicians identified with a star (*) have performed a minimum of 20 procedures. Names and details are provided solely by the physicians and are provided for your information only.
Decisions regarding choice of physician and treatment are a patient’s responsibility. You should discuss with your doctor the potential for treatment with the Sonata® System to determine whether it is appropriate for you; there may be other options for you as well. As with any medical treatment, the decision to use the Sonata® System should only be made in consultation with your doctor.
Any information you send to a physician is not covered by the Gynesonics Privacy Policy
Gynesonics does not charge, and physicians do not pay to be included on this list. Gynesonics provides this information as a service and has no vested interest in any specific physicians. Some physicians on this list may act as paid consultants to Gynesonics. Gynesonics provides physicians with training on the use of the Sonata® System but does not certify, credential, or qualify the physicians listed in the Physician Locator. You should not interpret Gynesonics’ inclusion of a doctor in the Physician Locator as Gynesonics’ recommendation, assurance or guarantee with respect to a physician or practice, the quality of their procedural outcomes or the particular outcome you may experience if you elect to have a Sonata System procedure with a particular physician. The absence of a physician’s name on the Physician Locator should not be construed as a negative comment from Gynesonics about that physician’s qualifications, credentials or skills. Gynesonics disclaims any responsibility or liability for the information provided in this Physician Locator or any harm you may experience due to your reliance on the information contained in the Physician Locator or your decision to undergo a procedure in which the Sonata® System is used.
Important Safety Information
The Sonata System is intended for diagnostic intrauterine imaging and transcervical treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids, including those associated with heavy menstrual bleeding. Common Side Effects include bleeding, spotting, cramping, post-ablation inflammatory symptoms, and/or discharge. There are potential risks with this treatment such as skin burn and infection. Women who are pregnant, have a pelvic infection, are known to have gynecologic cancer, or have intratubal implants for sterilization should not have this procedure. For more information, please refer to As with any medical treatment, the decision to use the Sonata® System should only be made in connection with consultation with your doctor.
Last reviewed November 20, 2023
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